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Armando Merege - 2022

Acrylic on canvas

100,00 cm height x 100,00cm width x 2,50 cm depth

USD 2.395,00


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Product code: 14973

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Armando Merege

Everything changes, we change, we influence all the time; what’s important is to be open and receptive to everything.

In the words of the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus: “The only thing permanent is change.” It is on the waves of change that plastic artist Armando Merege navigates with fluidity. His work is always a comment on what is happening around him – a film, a book, a visit to an exhibition: these are only some of the factors that influence his creative process. As if they were annotations, he creates a series of signs and images coming from this, his symbolic universe, permeated with changes.

He sees his art work as on a tenuous line between figurative and abstract. Among contemporary influences he cites first Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose meteoric neo-expressionist career in the 1980s probably has the most convergence with his own: first, in the absolute creative liberty of both subject and technique, without excluding constructive intention. He explores symbols that remit us to primitive societies, anthropology, ecology, nature, icons of contemporary society, the human being and her/his relationships, feelings and impulses. His compositions impose an air of mystery, like an enigma to be solved that the artist confesses he deliberately cultivates.

Merege explores symbols that remit us to primitive societies, anthropology, ecology, nature, icons of contemporary society, the human being and her/his relationships, feelings and impulses.

Sand, straw, iron filings, and acrylic paint are a constant in his work – choice of material and technique depends on the subject. “Everything changes, we change, we influence all the time; what’s important is to be open and receptive to everything,” he says.

He was born in 1958 in Itararé, in the interior of São Paulo state, and moved with his family at the age of five to Curitiba, where he went to school – always loving drawing as a form of expression, and earning a degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the Federal University of Paraná. From the 1980s he worked in parallel with architecture and art, until the death of his partner in their architectural practice. He was then stimulated by awards at salons – in one of which the prize was a trip to Paris – to decide definitively for, as he defines it, “the complicated, difficult, and at the same time fascinating profession of plastic artist.”

His work has always been individual and independent, based mainly on investigation, research and exploration of techniques and materials. He has also been involved with a workgroup for children, Casa Labirinto, where he created ludic drawings of a maze and gave workshops in art to children. He says: “Art always has a fundamental importance in the education of people – because in it there are no frontiers. Art brings people together; whether it’s a pure manifestation of the beautiful, the sublime, the essence; or in the simplest concepts; or at the highest level of complexity – it always makes us reflect, and feel”.

His career includes innumerable group and individual shows, in Brazil and other countries – an example is the Foire Internacionale de Rouen, in France – he has received awards in numerous shows of contemporary art.

His work has been published in the book collection Art of Paraná, for young people from 8 to 18, of 2007; and in the book The Art of Armando Merege, published in 2018, in Curitiba. Private collections owning his work include Chase Manhattan Bank and HSBC; public institutions include the municipal prefecture of Curitiba and the Culture Department of Paraná State.


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works by Armando Merege

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